What is Reverse engineering or back engineering?
Reverse engineering is the method by which an object that has been created using the human creativity gets deconstructed with the motive of revealing the designs, architecture or even the initial information about the object that is equivalent to the object data and the available scientific research having to be a natural phenomenon. Back Engineering can be applied in the following fields: mechanical, electronic, software, hardware engineering, systems biology as well as the chemical engineering. How does it work for surface reconstructions? Reverse engineering Projects astonish people in life. Paleontologists always have to work with too old fossils having about many million years existence on earth which is a practice that seems bizarre to many biologists and other professionals who are always accustomed to the living creatures. Depending on the history of the development of the fossils on earth, they come in different weird forms that may not be understood by many people. Some of the creatures may sometimes lack critical characteristic features such as legs, eyes which makes it difficult for people to relate …